🤖Into The Metaverse
As we stated previously, when you mint our project, not only will you receive an amazing piece of historic artwork (along with full commercial IP rights), you will also receive metaverse-ready assets as well. We've partnered with NFT Creative and their metaverse, Cardastacks, to provide a framed copy of your artwork ready made to be placed within their metaverse. You will be able to hang this artwork on the wall of your room, within your project floor, wherever you want! As long as the area in question is owned or controlled by you, you can show the world your amazing piece of historic artwork. We are also in talks with other metaverse projects to provide you with additional copies of your artwork that can be displayed in their specific metaverse! (Voxel anyone?) 😉
Upon the completion of our Collections, we will never again hold another mint unless our holders vote otherwise. In this event, each asset owned will count as one vote if unlisted at the time of a voting snapshot. We will use the funds raised for development to build the following:
A Museum within the metaverse where artwork from every style, period, and culture can be viewed by ANYONE regardless of economic standing or geographic location. We will never charge the public to enter our museum and view these wonderful works of art, though the museum may be closed up to 2 days per calendar month for holder-only events if required.
A storefront within the museum where our visitors can purchase metaverse-ready artwork to hang on the walls of their property within our partnered metaverses.
An auction house to be utilized by independent artists and NFT owners who wish to sell their assets for a fee. Our holders can use this service free of charge
An area specifically for Art Shows. Again, independent artists, NFT owners, or projects will incur a fee, while our holders (independent of an actual project, unless they are the legally registered owner) will not be charged.
A portion of the income The Museum receives through the storefront, auction house, or Art Show area will be given back to our holders through giveaways, raffles, etc.
Roadmap 2.0
Upon the completion of the above development, we will create to-scale representations of historic buildings and monuments. Imagine stepping of an elevator into The Sistine Chapel, King Tut's Tomb, or Notre Dame and being able to walk through these amazing places from the comfort of your home? This is the ultimate goal. Upon completion of our Collection mints, we will outline step-by-step how we intend on tackling this goal.
Last updated