Welcome to The Museum
Infusing Culture Into Web3
This litepaper is subject to change at any time. The team reserves the right to edit the roadmap in any way if to do so will better the project for the community as a whole.
The Museum is an NFT project utilizing the Cardano blockchain. We have, but are not limited to, the following goals. These goals will be broken down and expanded upon throughout this document.
To preserve fine art while simultaneously making it available to all through the power of Web3, regardless of economic standing and/or geographic location.
To open metaverse-based museums that allow artwork from all periods and cultures to be displayed to the public.
To provide our holders with metaverse-ready pieces of artwork that can be displayed within their property, as well as traditional Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
To open a storefront, not only to sell metaverse-ready, art-based digital assets of our own, but to enable independent artists and other NFT projects to do so as well.
To build an Auction House and an area for Art Shows within the metaverse where art can be displayed, viewed and sold, either at a fixed price or to the highest bidder.
To reward our holders with raffles, giveaways, and the free use of our services, as well as the recognition of being The Museum's benefactors.
Build an honest and transparent Web3 community of like-minded individuals that believe as we do that blockchain technology is the future of our society and that art and culture belong to all.
The purpose of this document is to lay out in broad strokes what we wish to accomplish, why we feel our plans can be accomplished, and what you can expect from The Museum. The following pages will breakdown each of the above bullet-points, as well as introduce you to our team. If you have any questions, please contact us in our Discord HERE (<-insert hyperlink)
Last updated